Housing Loan Lowest Interest Rate in Pune,
Coming to
Other Cities too
Major Housing Loan providers have come down to extend
support for all those Home buyers waited outside due to pricing and Interest rate worry.
Is this going to be a fulfilment day for the House hunters, worried
about the EMI all this days.
ENJOY the ONE Pull –
Double Strike
a) Lowest
Offers , during this Sky rocket pricing in Realty Sector
Banks giving way loan at 7.5%, Ignoring the existing rate at 12-14%.
Housing sector in Cities always add Confusion those days and
even now.
Have a look at those Twenty Years of Bumpy ride of Housing-
20 years back I
paid 18% to a Private bank – Manager sitting behind Huge Cash register,
Spreading in front of me, as soon one enter to pay the Monthly
EVEN I’m late to Pay
THANKS GOD there was no Mobile and SMS – Only REG letter which they enjoy
sending it , because that too was a profit
earning side seller.
15 Years behind this changed to 14 -15 %, When foreign Investment banks entered to
any one talk comfortable when comes to Housing loan and Interest
rate EMI.
Back to year rates
12-14 percent even nationalised bank stepped in though no one find eligibility.
8% During the Crash
of the market- new “ fundas” like floating, permanent many more.
I don’t think any
Financial Guru can read the 32
Page legal condition before Signing, to know what can happen to my property
Back to 11 and 13% rates existing now, Very few are going to
enjoy this 7.5% RATE.
SBI never practiced such advertisement till now , with the association of HDFC mastered in such mountain high misguiding ADDS. Is this a survival technique for Banks_
or a blind approach to the add nature of Buy ONE _ Get ANOTHER FREE.
Exhibitions look for Crowd
for the Shows, But this are not such show that one spent 1000 INR and Ignore, Signing a document , throwing a 5 to 15 lakhs in to Unknown Sharks Mouth.
Will the Buyer be aware of this Drastic OFFER comes with the Booking ?
Where will once Loan rate stand after 2 Years ?
Will I be the most Punished Home Buyer By signing this TWO
Banks Documents?
No one will understand other than the Content drafted
bank’s Lawyer.
Why this Sweet pills
now for our Housing Finance?
This is because
the NRI’s 3% loan pick from US, UK an UAE is Over?
Bank want to Release there Finance Invested
with Developers?
We are closer to a “Big bang” after US Housing / DUBAI
Infrastructure / Indian Housing?
With next fall we will
see the same 3 % housing loan in
My Fellow friends read the fine Print on document , Sign and own a Flat _ Nothing can come to your door step better
17th and 18th organized by CREADI PUNE
Dream House Property _ Comes true during the beginning of
2014 – Hope Our Finance Minister and
RBI watching this financial relaxation in PUNE , want to share with other CITIES too.
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